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Арт-Резиденция, современное искусство, визуальное искусство, музыка, современный танец, паблик арт, Константин Гроусс / Art-Residence - contemporary art, visual art, music, contemporary dance, Public art, Konstantinn Grouss
ROOM ROOM ROOM, Арт-Резиденция, современное искусство, визуальное искусство, музыка, современный танец, паблик арт, Константин Гроусс / Art-Residence - contemporary art, visual art, music, contemporary dance, Public art, Konstantinn Grouss
25-27 January 2013


Festival of room performance and dance on Povarskaya street


International Culture Project «Art-Residence»

The festival presents leading Russian artists of contemporary dance in an interactive dialogue with the audience.
room room room
room room room
room room room
Participants – choreography, performance

Andrey Andrianov


Hilary Bryan


Dennis Boroditsky


Konstantin Grouss


Po.V.S.Tanze Dance Company (Alexandra Konnikova & Albert Albert)

Об организаторе

Международный культурный проект «Арт-Резиденция» – это пространство, объединяющее несколько направлений искусства:

         •        Визуальное искусство

         •        Музыка

         •        Танец

В рамках Международного культурного проекта «Арт-Резиденция» художники, хореографы, музыканты различных направлений из России и других стран могут встречаться, обмениваться опытом, вместе работать и представлять совместные идеи, существующие на пересечении разных жанров искусства.

Наша задача - столкновение концепций художников, принадлежащих как к одному жанру, так и к разным, обозначение объединяющего их звена.


"What if the room is a symbol of personal sublime space, and performance is the most intimate space where we venture to speak frankly about what we believe is important?


Settling dance and performance in a simple room, we invite you to be our guest. Being in close proximity to the audience, the artist reveals the internal process, the hidden springs that determine the form of the performance.


In each of the 3 rooms there is an independent action, the short piece of existence. Each performance creates a unique context. Each viewer gets a unique experience".

Alexandra Konnikova

"Dance and Contemporary dance in particular is mostly associated with theater and becomes a subject for an appropriate analysis. Theatricality is inherent to the dance since originally it was inseparable with it. Dramatic theater has grown from dance and now theatre is largely associated with drama.


Contemporary dance as an art combines with the use of the human body, not as a tool, but rather as the material from which you can create works of any configuration. So we leave the theatrical point of view and, keeping an indispensable contact with the audience, move to the sphere of contemporary art with its free interpretations of classical canons and an independence from particular technique.


The festival gathers artists of contemporary dance, which hold various ways  of working with a body and composition and create their own independent language and the way of action. The viewer is invited to watch and compare three performances during one night, combining them into united space by his presence".

Konstantin Grouss

About the organizer

International Culture Project «Art-Residence» is a space, uniting several directions of art:

         •        Visual art

         •        Music

         •        Dance


In the framework of the International Culture Project «Art-Residence», artists, choreographs, musicians of different directions from Russia and other countries are able to meet each other, share their experiences, work together and present joint ideas, which exist on the intersection of different genres of art.

Our objective is to collide concepts of the artists who belong to the same genre as well as to different genres of art, and to identify their unifying link.

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