«Everyday heroism»
29 April – 3 May, 2010
Comtemprorary art, music, dance
В рамках этого экспериментального проекта проведены 4 фестиваля, посвященных возможным способам взаимодействия художников, имеющих различную художественную платформу и принадлежащим к разным жанрам искусства.
International Culture Project «Art-Residence»
Konstantin Grouss, Timofey Сaraffa-Сorbut, Fyodor Amirov
The festival represents diversity of languages of art. The form of representation – visual and media art objects exhibition, series of dance performances and music concerts taking place during 5 days. All the art objects and shows most pronouncedly presenting the language of actual art are being created especially for the festival. The festival has been held twice, in 2010 and 2011. The next one is planned happen in 2014.
Visual art
No Translations
Max Gluhov / Alina Gutkina / Arseny Jiliaev / Konstantin Zvezdochetov / Andrey Bartenev / Timofey Caraffa-Korbut / Egor Koshelev / Eugenia Kuznetsova / Andrew Kuz'kin / Oleg Kulik / Alexander Lysov / Anatoly Osmolovsky / Kirill Chelushkin / Alexander Povzner / Ilya Trushevsky / Timofey Smirnov / Vasily Tsereteli / Elena Pot’eva / Oblako / Ustina Yakovleva / Ksenia Sorokina / Maxim Smirennomudrensky / MC Bizon Ivan Shabanov / Sergey Rulyakov / Catherine Borsuk / AES + F / Special project NODE 1 - Yongwoo Cho (USA) / Cedric Philippe (France) / Oleg Arnautov / Irina Birger (Netherlands) / Rino Larsen (Norway) / David Leibowitz (USA)
Dance, performance, media
Theodore Tezhik / Tatiana Mamedov / ZERO Dance Gallery - Konstantin Grouss, Lika Shevchenko, Tatiana Fateeva / Boroditsky Denis’s Dance Company, BDDC / Po.VSTanze Dance Company
Fedor Amirov, Andrew Suchilin Anton Efimov, Konstantin Mochalov, Saxophone Quartet of Andrey Kravchenko, Project Undusk of Alexey Pavlenko, Mikhail Plotnikov, Olesya Yaroshenko, Vasily Tsirin, Nikita Tikhonov
No Translations
No Translations
Thereby we would like to suggest a theme of language contacts, not only in linguistic context, but to explore language of arts and their interaction which could give a chance to delve deeper into our existence.
In “ … “ – no translations Project we are interested in art linguistics, complexities of translation from one language to another, intersections and parallels. And also everyday heroism of their creators. In other words:
“Harmonious sounding of languages of art once have been overcome by avant-garde casted doubt on centuries-old apologetics of synthesis, affirmed poetics of dialogue, coexistence of plural artistic intuitions as a new form of interaction. Since then interspecific isolation has been growing intense while norms of speech have been consolidating even more intimate circle of names. Today’s culture space is an extreme point of that isolation: the number of languages in it corresponds to the number of authors. Individual lexicon that denies all the other ways of expression becomes a measure of success. And the brighter this lexicon is, the more semantic density bears the author’s gesture, the harder is the way to learn it. Strategies of autonomy make artist to permanently fight for obstacle building and overcoming – that everyday heroism on the border-line of hermeticism and communication.
Viewer’s orientation on that territory is no more a subject of a sensual game but an unsolvable intellectual puzzle generating random numbers. Summarizing of chaotic signals does not render the whole, in a row of texts the sense of art space itself is getting lost. Unraveling those codes is only possible with deliberate collision of species, genres, objects and conceptions existing in different planes, destroying sterility of existence by forced crossing. Taking away operational limits and modeling the situation of a dialogue inside the society the project reconstructs the broad culture field, drawing in its scopes the artist and the viewer, outlining the ways of communication between them. In that discording forum of messages the keys for catching and unraveling of individual codes through their polyphonic union are being crystallized” Tatyana Malova.